Our Pride, Our Best!

Little do they know, he’s 40 but high-key good.Slaying from his visual up to his leadership. Right now, allow me to brag this man up for his jaw-dropping, never ending love towards his people. From the beginning of his term, we felt the SINCERITY , the LOYALTY and the GOOD CANDIDACY on his job. Alongside …

“Revenge of the Fallen Soldiers”

“My silence is not a weakness, but a beginning of my revenge.” -Bumble bee Plot: As the soldiers of Bumble bee were killed by Megatron together with his alliance, little they didn’t know that Bumble bee was staring down as they killed his soldiers. Because of the killings happen and nothing survived, Bumble bee go …

Evolution of Media

Group 5 The Evolution of Media refers to the changes, innovation or development of the medium to deliver the information accurately and fastly.This evolution have 4 stages: Tribal Age Age of Literacy Print Age Electronic Age Every stages contains changes of media. By this process, we can say that our media is evolving from very …

Imagination to Innovation

For the past century of our generation today, some complicated inventions were created and it is quite uneasy to understand unlike to our innovations today. To my surprise about the telegram that was used on the famous legendary movie “Titanic”, I have a hard time understanding those things that they were using while communicating. I …

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