Our Pride, Our Best!

Little do they know, he’s 40 but high-key good.Slaying from his visual up to his leadership. Right now, allow me to brag this man up for his jaw-dropping, never ending love towards his people.
From the beginning of his term, we felt the SINCERITY , the LOYALTY and the GOOD CANDIDACY on his job. Alongside his journey, he never failed to make us glad and proud. For his past 2 terms, he had nothing to do but the word DEVELOPMENT. Cleanliness on every place, calmness on every people and goodness of his citizen is acquired because of his unique leadership. He’s admirable. He’s the ideal-type of man. He’s intellectual. And I most of all, the best ruler of our town. Beginning to end, you never leave us. Rain nor shine, you are there, guiding us. If ever the time comes that you will going to retire, remember that for how many years of your term, you make us improve a lot. A lot that is enough for us to succeed because of you. To be successful just like you.

There are still years to be cherish with you. No time will be wasted, no chances will be passed. Mayor Rexlon Gatchalian of Valenzuela City, you are the best of best that we ever had!

Continue reading “Our Pride, Our Best!”

“Revenge of the Fallen Soldiers”

“My silence is not a weakness, but a beginning of my revenge.” -Bumble bee


As the soldiers of Bumble bee were killed by Megatron together with his alliance, little they didn’t know that Bumble bee was staring down as they killed his soldiers. Because of the killings happen and nothing survived, Bumble bee go down and faced Megatron with full of confidence. “My silence is not a weakness, but a beginning of my revenge,” the last line of Bumble bee before he killed all of them, including Megatron. Revenge is not dominant for Bumble bee but because of what Megatron’s have done to his colleagues, he had nothing to do but vengeance.

Aerial Shot or Bird’s Eye View Shot

Over the Shoulder Shot

Long Shot or Full Shot

Bust Shot

Extreme Long Shot

Medium Shot

Bust Shot

High Angle Shot

High Angle Shot

Long Shot or Full Shot


In this activity, we interviewed Aling Josie, a 65 year old woman from Hillside Village, Ugong, Valenzuela City, who lived at the generation of having a difficult communication. She said that it was too hard for her to send message for her love ones since the communication process was too slow. It takes 2 weeks or more for her message to be received. She also stated that she was able to use voice tape before wherein a blank tape was used to record your voice message. By that, she can say whatever she likes freely. According to Aling Josie also, there is 2 ways on how you will going to send your mail. It’s either the ordinary delivery or the special delivery. In ordinary, it takes a long period of days for you to convey your message to someone unlike the special delivery it can be a faster delivery compared to ordinary. On the modern days in her age, she also experienced the hardship in contacting her loveones. She is just asking for a free telephone call on her neighbor and sometimes, they cannot request since their neighbor is too rude. But according to her, the sacrifices and hardships upon sending message is priceless when you received a very pleasant message also from someone you love.

My insight to this activity is that we are much luckier compared to them because we were born with less hassle and more convenient. We never experienced the challenges they have passed because we are currently in the innovating stage of technologies. Also, it is much easier for us because the technology today is just a “one-click communication.” Meaning, in just a milliseconds or seconds, you can now send your message fastly and easily.

Evolution of Media

Group 5

The Evolution of Media refers to the changes, innovation or development of the medium to deliver the information accurately and fastly.This evolution have 4 stages:

  1. Tribal Age
  2. Age of Literacy
  3. Print Age
  4. Electronic Age

Every stages contains changes of media. By this process, we can say that our media is evolving from very simple to superb technology as time pass by.

Thanks to those inventions that were invented by scientists because it made our life very easy and fine compared to the past generations. I can proudly say that time by time, our imagination and creation is very talented to come up with those easy-communication media that was innovated.

Imagination to Innovation

For the past century of our generation today, some complicated inventions were created and it is quite uneasy to understand unlike to our innovations today. To my surprise about the telegram that was used on the famous legendary movie “Titanic”, I have a hard time understanding those things that they were using while communicating. I must say, I am lucky because I was born with today’s generation with no hardships to pass. After 10 years, a very very high-quality technology will be surely make by technicians that will probably help our life much easier. If someone will create a mass media after 10 years, I think it would be a triangular smartphone. It would be the best invention for a bookworm since it can be folded into 2 just like how a book looks like when it is opened. Also, once you turned it into the next page, it will appear how a book is seen when it is being flipped. The function of its 3 sided quality phone is that, it can be turned into an instant speaker. It can be heard among your neighbor’s house because of its loud feature speaker. A handy yet very satisfying smartphone ever!

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